Inmate ID#: 126018
Home Address City: AIKEN
Drivers Lic State:
Sex: F Race: W Build:
Height: 5-2 Weight: 110 |
Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO |
Agency |
Arrest Date |
Released |
10:38 |
Weekender: NO
Offense: |
Charge: 44-053-0375 C2A Drugs / Trafficking in meth. or cocaine base – 28 g or more,
Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 44-053-0375 C1A Drugs / Trafficking in meth. or cocaine base – 10 g or more,
Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 44-053-0370 D4 Drugs / Poss. of 28g (1 oz) or less of marijuana or 10g – 2n
Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 44-053-0370 C Drugs / Poss. of narc. in Schedule I(b),(c), LSD & Schedule
Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 44-053-0370 B1 Drugs / MDP, Narcotic drugs in Sch. I(b) & (c), LSD, and Sch
Case #: Disposition: Open |
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