Inmate ID#: 123583
Home Address City: NORTH AUGUSTA
Drivers Lic State:
Sex: F Race: W Build:
Height: 5-6 Weight: 100 |
Hair: BRO Eyes: HAZ |
Agency |
Arrest Date |
Released |
14:32 |
Weekender: NO
Offense: |
Charge: 40-043-0086 EE Prescription / Unlawful to possess, dispose or distribute pr
Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 44-053-0375 A Drugs / Possession of less than one gram of meth. or cocaine
Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 44-053-0370 D2 Drugs / Poss. of other controlled sub. in Sched. I to V – 1s
Case #: Disposition: Open |
Charge: 16-017-0725 Report / Giving false information to law enforcement, fire d
Case #: Disposition: Open
Charge: 63-003-0620 FACT/BW – FAILURE TO PAY
Case #: Disposition: Open |
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